Wednesday, 8 June 2016

First Click: Microsoft Could Turn Every PC Into An Xbox

This time next week, we know exactly what Microsoft is planning for its upcoming Xbox console. With sales continue to lag behind Sony's PlayStation 4, Microsoft has begun to focus on the combination of PC gaming with the Xbox One. The first signs of this started when the Xbox is essentially a customized version of Windows 8 launches, but the software maker console update to Windows 10 in November. This is where things start to get interesting.

Microsoft has been dropping hints that Windows powering the Xbox One will be significant, but we've been waiting to see the close integration of the company teased time and time again. With the update to Xbox One reason anniversary in the summer, Microsoft finally began to mix applications and games for Windows and Xbox it. We're expecting to see a lot of Xbox program this summer, but a combination of PC games and Xbox One store can be set for an interesting future.

Microsoft is currently working on a secret project inside, called spiral.there is no need for a computer console for streaming.

the keyboard and mouse. The Xbox One UI to Windows 10 machines effectively turn any PC to an Xbox one, especially if they are also able to run the latest games consoles.

If one really playable Xbox games on PCs, then this method will also Microsoft's global platform and ability to provide a shopping single store that will work across PCs and consoles.

Learn more about Windows 10 and Microsoft Xbox One merger talk next week at E3. Last year, the company announced compatibility with many Xbox 360 games running on Xbox One surprised. Microsoft is expected to announce an Xbox a "slim" consoles next week, potentially upgrading hardware details later known as the "Scorpions", and the launch of the new "Xbox TV" device. If Microsoft's ambition is to combine the Xbox One and games PC, then any hardware announcement at E3 this year may be overshadowed by the software.

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